Justice Upheld is being asked to intervene in an increasing number of domestic abuse cases, worldwide. As predicted, the number of cases has increased over the last six months, thought largely due to the number of Covid-19 related lockdowns across the globe.
The scope of Domestic Abuse commonly carried out by a partner or former partner includes but is not limited to: psychological abuse, emotional abuse, physical and / or sexual abuse. This means that it remains the leading human rights violation around the world.
Domestic Abuse largely exists as part of violence against women and girls. The worst of which include forced marriage, female genital mutilation and so called honour crimes. These are commonly perpetrated by family members, often including multiple people.
One category of women that remains particularly vulnerable are migrant women. Even if they have children, migrant women in many parts of the world cannot access housing schemes or public funds. If their immigration status has not been settled by the state, this makes fleeing an abusive home even more difficult.
This leaves them with little option but to remain with their abuser, who can use the threat of depotation or the removal of a victims child(ren) as a futher way to coerce and control their victims.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse and you do not know where to turn, Justice Upheld can help you!
Email: help@JusticeUpheld.org.uk
WhatsApp: (00) +44 7742 577854
Call: (+44) 208 0904001
Rest assured we offer complete discretion at all times, and will do everything in our power to get you the help you need.